Bean Counter's Knitting & Stuff

Bean Counting Knitter

May 31, 2011

Rooftops and sleeves!

I was lucky enough to check out Columbus from a rooftop over the holiday weekend. Here are a couple pictures I particularly like from my "photo shoot".

These two pics are of the same area. The first is black and white. I have been exploring different settings on the camera.

Yesterday I finished the second sleeve on my Thermal. Just the button bands and neck edging to knit and then sew it together. I am so excited this is almost done. Perhaps I can take it with us to San Fran in 9 days? It has been in the 50/60's there and I may need it on a chilly evening.




Robin said...

love the pix. The b &W shows off the buildings without calling attention to any one building but wish it was as closeup as the color shot. Definately take thermal to SF. Not only is it chilly in PM but windy all day. Enjoy it, one of my favorite cities in US

Bean Counting Knitter said...

I will go back and look at all the pictures. If there were closer up shots of the b&w's I will post some for you.

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