I started the Nermal Thermal on January 17, 2010. It is the Thermal pattern, which was published in the Knitting Winter 2006 issue.
I give anyone knitting kudos that finish this project. Yesterday while working on this I decided to estimate the number of stitches I had knit to that point. I estimated it was around 65,000 ~ let me say that again ~ SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND stitches. OMG That was only to somewhere in the button placket rows. I still have the shoulders/neck and sleeves to knit. Oy vey
In all honesty I am very excited again about this project. I can't wait to wear it. I think I may be almost monogamous with it until it is done. Well I want to finish Kiki's kitty bed this weekend. Did I tell you I am going to sprinkle my homegrown catnip inside with the fiber fill? I am evil like that......
If Kiki still has her claws that bed won't last long....
Nope. Kiki was declawed long before we adopted her.
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