Bean Counter's Knitting & Stuff

Bean Counting Knitter

July 5, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks.....

Starwars was released in May 1977. Guess what? I had never seen the movie until yesterday. GASP! Can you believe it? It was amazing all the references that I've come across over the years but never really knew the root. One such is the phrase "Jedi Mind Tricks". I was surprised to learn the meaning behind this little phrase. I feel like I have been let in on a private joke. :-)

Last weekend was Comfest. We picked up this garden spinner with a butterfly and I also visited my favorite incense vendor. I have been waiting a whole year to buy more of that guys incense.

I finished the Jubilee scarf this weekend. I blocked it this morning.

So I have been hinting to changes in the bonus room for a few weeks. Jimmy has taken over the den (former library room on the first floor) for his home office now that he works out of our house. This left the bonus room without a purpose. I soon suggested that we turn it into my studio/office. We had the walls painted a lovely lavender and I have been making slow progress on putting things in the proper place. It is still a work in process but here are a couple pictures.

Not sure if I posted a finished Clap picture after blocking so here it is. Sorry if it is redundant because I am to lazy to scroll back right now. I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I was sick with a summer cold last week and finally started to feel better yesterday morning. Of course I always like to share so now Jimmy is suffering from the sore throat and stuffy head. Mom always taught me to share which is always challenging for an only child. ;-)


Ria said...

Totally jealous of a craft room! Hope you're feeling better. The only thing worse than being sick in summer, is being sick in the rain in the summer!

leah said...

Your clapotis turned out awesome! I like the stripe!

Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

Congrats on seeing Star Wars for the first time! hehe Great set of movies, aren't they? You should move on to the set of 3 sequels (that are really prequels) for your next movie night! :)

And I love the green lace scarf! I'm a super new knitter and i think I might want to forge in to lace-knitting territory soon. Glad to hear it was so much fun!

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