Bean Counter's Knitting & Stuff

Bean Counting Knitter

October 12, 2008

Imperfect me....

You know what? Like my knitting I am imperfect. It is so refreshing to realize I don't have to be perfect or fit any mold of what I should be. The only person I have to be is the one my HP intended.

As I was finishing clue two on MS4 I realized I had been knitting one edge wrong for the entire section of repeat. GRR I tossed the entire project in a bag fully intending to put it into serious time out. Thankfully a friend had the focus and brain power to correct my error and now I am a few rows from finishing clue three.

The last three weeks have been seriously intense at work. I can't remember anything this intense in the 18+ years I have been in the mortgage business. Even having survived 4 banking mergers. By 4 PM every day my brain is complete mush. This week promises to be better or so I am trying to stay positive. I am so grateful I have my HP, Jimmy, family and friends to help me through this stressful time and accept me for my imperfectness. Besides nobody is perfect unless they are dead!

OK enough serious stuff.... Here are some knitting pics:

This is the finished Balloon Felted Purse for Erica's 30th birthday. Welcome to the good side of life Erica! :-)

I just love knitting these little flower washcloths. They are so fun! Thanks again for turning me on the the Weekend Knitting book Mollylouhoo!

If there wasn't catnip in that red towel Jasmine would have been all over the washcloth but it still made a great photo op for her.

Stay tuned.... I have lots more knitting to share this week. I am about three weeks behind on life but it is time to get caught up.


Dk's Wife said...

It is nice to know that we are imperfect, so why do we try so hard to impress others ;) Your guess is as good as mine. I love the felted purse. It looks great :)

Bean Counting Knitter said...

I think that we are taught as children we must be good and doing everything right. This builds an unhealthy need to be perfect. Some of my best learning experiences in life have been from the mistakes I have made.

Thank you for the comment. Erica loves the purse. :-)

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