Bean Counter's Knitting & Stuff

Bean Counting Knitter

February 15, 2008

Sleep Study # 2

I can no longer travel down the road of denial.... I have the results from my first sleep study and I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. Why the denial you might be wondering? Well I have somehow gotten it in my head the "thing" used to treat it isn't sexy or cool. I wont be able to sleep with tubes and hoses attached to my head. Well I need to buck up and get over it and this is my first step in the acceptance process. Oh yeah and I have been invited back for a second sleep study tonight. This time they are going to hook me up to all the same lovely wires and crap with additional "thing tubes" so they can determine what settings to set my new "thing".

While I don't understand everything about this condition I did find this site and wanted to share it with anyone interested:

Thanks for reading.....


Lindsey said...
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Betty said...
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mollylouhoo said...

My dad has sleep apnea and used to go for days at a time without sleeping. He uses one of the machines now and will never not use it! He is so relieved to be able to breath properly. He has fewer headaches, his sinuses don't give him as much trouble, and he even lost a little weight because he would eat when he couldn't sleep. You will get used to it and you will feel so much better. Plus, sexy is as sexy does.

Bean Counting Knitter said...

Thanks ladies.... I am starting to accept this whole "thing".

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